When you’re a $100 million company, a 30 percent increase in sales is a big, big deal. That’s the projection this Idaho Falls company has for 2012. Along with that growth in sales could be another 100 jobs.
North Wind Group has achieved success despite the recession by anticipating new growth areas. The once environmental services-only firm now also offers engineering, construction, demolition and decontamination, and hazardous waste removal. President and founder Sylvia Medina is also considering additional sectors.
The company recently won contracts with the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Department of Energy. It has projects in Washington, Idaho, Colorado and Alaska among other sites around the country.
Medina sold the company to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., an Alaska Native Corporation, in 2009, but resolves to keep the company in Idaho Falls. She believes the location, near the Idaho National Laboratory, is a hub for the type of technical employees her company hires.